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Industry Leading WiFi, Network Cabling, and IP Surveillance
Point to Multi Point wireless networks, also used for outdoor hotspots, interconnect multiple locations to using line of sight and non line of sight principles. They can operate in both the unlicensed and licensed frequencies bands with speeds up to 1Gbps. A point to multi point wireless network can be a highly cost effective alternative to trenching fiber optic cabling.

Licensed and Unlicensed up to Gigabit throughputs

What is best solution for your application?
Unlicensed and light licence wireless links are the most cost effective of all links and can be deployed very quickly. Why consider unlicensed or light license links?
Low density areas not suffering from RF interference
Budget limitations
Non-critical data transmission
When are licensed links mostly used?​
Organizations looking to create a LAN across multiple buildings on the same site
Organizations looking to reduce the cost of existing leased lines
In low density areas where RF interference is low or free
When to consider opting for a licenced over unlicensed?
High density areas suffering from RF interference
Mission-critical data transmission
​Typical Point to Multi Point applications are:​
Outdoor WiFi
Connecting multiple buildings
CCTV solutions
Lease line replacement
Fiber replacement
Wireless Mesh Networks
In mesh networks, individual access points connect with each other wirelessly. They provide a self-configuring, scalable, and self-adapting wireless network capable of multiple concurrent connections, eliminating the need for ethernet backbones. These solutions provide self-forming, self-healing mesh networks at half the time and cost of traditional wireless deployments.
Typical Point to Point Mesh applications are:
Public WiFi
Campsite WiFi
Locations with cabling restrictions
Stadiums and conference centres

Technologies we deploy with success...
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